Celebrating Community Champions: We Sponsored A Totally Stoked Award!

The Bet365 Stadium buzzed with a different kind of electricity on January 23rd. Yes, there were cheers, but they weren't for goals; they were for the remarkable individuals and organizations at the heart of Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire's VCSE sector, celebrated at the inspiring Totally Stoked Awards orgonised by our friends at VAST.

As a local company rooted in the rich tapestry of our community, supporting the Totally Stoked Awards wasn't just a sponsorship, it was a homecoming. We share the same DNA as the nominees – a fierce dedication to our region, a belief in the power of collaboration, and a passion for using our unique skills to make a positive impact.

That's why sponsoring the Breakthrough Award, recognizing exceptional growth and innovation, felt like finding kindred spirits. Each nominee brought their own stories of resilience, creativity, and unwavering commitment to making life better for others. They were entrepreneurs of hope, builders of bridges, and weavers of connections, throughout Stoke.

We imagine choosing a winner amongst them was like picking a favorite star in the sky – but the Better Together Community Support Group's story is an incredible one. Their work, offering crucial community support and events has resonated deeply with our ethos of inclusivity and empowerment. They epitomized the 'breakthrough' spirit.

Copyright VAST - https://vast.org.uk/

The Totally Stoked Awards were a stark reminder of the extraordinary strength and resilience within our VCSE sector. The sheer dedication and unwavering commitment of countless individuals working tirelessly behind the scenes, making a difference one life at a time truly humbles us. That's why supporting events like this is more than just a company expense – it's an investment in the future of our community, a recognition of the quiet heroes who shape our very being.

The stories of these local heroes serve as a beacon of inspiration, reminding us that even the smallest acts of kindness can spark a breakthrough. To all the nominees and winners, you are the lifeblood of our community, and your dedication is a constant source of pride for us. Thank you for shining so brightly and reminding us that together, we can truly make Stoke-on-Trent and North Staffordshire a brighter, more connected place.

#TotallyStokedAwards #StokeonTrent #CommunityHeroes #SocialImpact #CarseWatermanGivesBack


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