Top Tips for Work Experience & Cold Job Emails

Dreaming of joining the vibrant crew at Carse & Waterman? Fantastic! Your passion and creativity are exactly what we're looking for. But with our inbox buzzing with applications, how do you ensure yours rises above the rest? Don't worry, aspiring artists, we've got your back. Here are our top tips to make your email land on the "Yes, let's chat!" pile:

1. Reach the Right Ears: Take the time to research the company and identify the most relevant person to address your email to. This shows initiative and respect for our culture. At Carse & Waterman, you can find the Director's email address on our team page – aiming for a direct conversation is always a good strategy!

2. Unleash Your Creative Spark: We want to see your passion in action! Whether it's a YouTube channel bursting with stop-motion magic, a Behance portfolio brimming with design brilliance, or even a notebook filled with witty poems, share your work. Everyone starts somewhere, so don't worry if it's not a polished masterpiece yet. We just want to see what sets your creativity on fire.

3. Professionalism: Your Secret Weapon: Ditch the casual greetings and disappearing signatures. Treat us like the professional team we are. Clearly explain your purpose, why Carse & Waterman excites you, and what you're hoping to achieve. Remember, first impressions matter in everything you do, including your emails.

4. Firewall-Friendly Zone: Leave the funky childhood email addresses behind. Create a professional account with your name in it. This ensures your email sails through the firewall and lands safely in our inbox, ready to be read.

5. Promptness & Persistence: We get excited by every application and strive to reply within a week. However, in busy periods, it might take longer. We appreciate your patience and request that you avoid reminders. Promptness and organization are crucial qualities we look for in potential team members, and responding to our emails within 48 hours demonstrates these qualities. Remember, the application process starts as soon as you send your first email, and staying on top of your communication shows responsibility and initiative.

All the best,



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